VIPLE Traffic Simulation Project

Dr. Yinong Chen and Dr. Gennaro De Luca

VIPLE Traffic Simulator was released and operational in May 2021.
This project develops a traffic simulator that allows students to use a visual programming language to program a car to navigate through the traffic to travel from point A to point B. The visual programming language used is the ASU VIPLE (Visual IoT/Robotics Programming Language Environment). The traffic simulator is developed using Microsoft Unity game engine. The traffic is generated through mapping New York’s Manhattan traffic dataset into our traffic simulator to create realistic traffic pattern. Three algorithms are implemented to test the traversing algorithm effectiveness:

We can also run a physical robot as the “avatar” of the simulated robot to show the programmed car moving outside the simulation in physical space.

  • VIPLE Traffic Simulator Videos
  • VIPLE Traffic Simulator Publications
  • VIPLE Tutorials and Documents