This has either been opened from VIPLE's "Start web simulator" or has been opened manually through your web browser's URL. In order to "Run" this simulator, you must connect to VIPLE or JSON transmitting program, starting a new "Web simulator" on VIPLE will not begin the execution of the robot's movement and measurements. Please follow the instructions carefully below.
1.) Open ASU VIPLE and ensure that your "Robot" service block has 8124 as its TCP port (use port 8125 for a second robot).
2.) Run your ASU VIPLE Program (green triangle button) and ensure that the window "RunWindow" is displaying that says "Running Program". Keep the RunWindow open during execution.
3.) Note: If you are not using any sensors, you do not need to fill in the fields or click the button "Add/Update Sensors".
3a.) If you are using sensors, input sensor ID, select what type of sensor it is, and where it located on the robot in the "Input Sensor Value" section.
3b.) If you are not using that sensor, enter "none" as the ID, then click the button "Add/Update Sensors".
4.) Ensure that your program is running in VIPLE
5.) To connect to VIPLE, In the "Connect To VIPLE" section: enter "localhost" for same computer, or your given IP address for another computer in the field above.
6.) Click the Connect to ASU VIPLE (Websockets) button.
Note: that motor "3" will be the universal left, motor "5" will be universal right motor for this simulator.
Advanced and experimental: You can also upload your own maze (walls must be black Red/Green/Blue = 0/0/0), do not use if you don't know what you're doing.